***Sorry Sold***Kruxo C1915 Pine Island MN C&GW RR Train Station Depot Real Photo Postcard

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Circa 1915 Kruxo Pine Island Minnesota C&GW RR (Chicago and Great western) Train Station Depot, Horse with wagon, Locomotive. Real Photo Photograph Postcard. Aftermark 5C Stamped upside down on back of postcard as price of card. Guaranteed Not a reproduction. Very Good, 3 bumped corners. BH 003 112319
Circa 1915 Kruxo Pine Island Minnesota C&GW RR (Chicago and Great western) Train Station Depot, Horse with wagon, Locomotive. Real Photo Photograph Postcard. Aftermark 5C Stamped upside down on back of postcard as price of card. Guaranteed Not a reproduction. Very Good, 3 bumped corners. BH 003 112319
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